Temporary Foreign Workers’ Rights and Responsibilities

If you work in the Northwest Territories (NWT) as a temporary foreign worker, you have the same rights and protections at work as everyone else. This means you are covered by the same rules on how you should be treated at work, your health and safety at work, and what happens if you get hurt while working.

This information will help you know what to expect and where to get more help if you need it.

To learn more about your rights, visit the Government of Canada’s website: Temporary foreign workers: Your rights are protected

Workplace free of abuse

Your employer must make sure your workplace is safe and free of abuse. Any behaviour that scares, controls, or isolates you could be abuse.

To report an abusive situation, you can contact the Service Canada confidential tip line at 1-866-602-9448.

If you need help right away, call 911 to contact the RCMP or police.

If you are having problems with your employer, contact the NT Nominee Program at:

The information you provide will remain confidential.

Other information

If you need help understanding your rights as an employee or you have concerns about your pay, your hours of work, or if your employment was terminated without notice, contact Employment Standards:

If you see something unsafe at your workplace or you are injured at work, report it to the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission (WSCC):

If you feel that you have been discriminated against in the workplace based on a protected ground (e.g. disability, race, place of origin, nationality, sex, gender, social condition, etc.) contact the NWT Human Rights Commission:

Workplace standards

NWT employment standards

Employment standards rules set out the basic requirements that your employer must follow.

There are rules for:

  • Payment of wages
  • Hours of work
  • Overtime
  • Vacations
  • General holidays
  • Termination of employment
  • And more

These rules don’t apply to:

  • Federal government employees
  • Territorial government employees

For more information about the NWT’s Employment Standards and Regulations or to file a complaint:

Federal labour standards

Federal labour standards set out the basic rules for hours of work, payment of wages, leaves, vacation, holidays, and more for federal employees and employers who work in jobs that are regulated by the Government of Canada, such as:

  • Airlines
  • Road transportation
  • Banks
  • Postal service
  • Radio and TV broadcasting

For more information about the  Canada Labour Code or to file a complaint, visit: Federal labour standards.

Workplace health and safety

Worker’s Safety and Compensation Commission

Every worker has the right to a healthy and safe workplace. The Worker’s Safety and Compensation Commission protects workers and employers in the NWT.

Report a workplace injury

If you suffer a workplace injury that requires medical aid, you must report the injury to your employer and the Worker’s Safety and Compensation Commission:

Report unsafe work

No one should do tasks that they have not been trained to do properly or safely. If a work situation puts you or those around you in unusual danger, you have the right to refuse that work. To report unsafe work:

NWT Human Rights Commission

The NWT Human Rights Commission promotes equality and human rights and protects individuals and groups from discrimination under the NWT Human Rights Act.

If you are experiencing harassment such as bullying, intimidation, humiliation, offensive jokes, and racial slurs, file a complaint to: