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Child Care
Care for preschool-age children is available through government-licensed daycares and day homes, with all schools providing junior kindergarten classes.
Average daycare costs in Yellowknife range from $975 per month for a preschooler to $1015 per month for an infant. Fees in Inuvik range from $1,170 per month for a preschooler up to $1,380 per month for an infant. Licensed day homes usually cost less.
The GNWT Early Childhood Program is responsible for the development, implementation, and monitoring of standards for licensed early childhood programs.
To learn more about the child care services in your community, click here.
Elementary, Middle and High Schools
Home to 49 schools and more than 700 teachers, the NWT offers first-class educational opportunities. Eight regional education boards serve students from diverse cultural backgrounds and languages.
Yellowknife has public, Catholic and French school systems. French immersion is provided from Junior Kindergarten through to Grade 12. There is one Francophone school in Yellowknife and one in Hay
Teachers generally have at least one university degree and advanced training in education. The Department of Education, Culture and Employment is responsible for overseeing the curriculum and education for children attending Junior Kindergarten
(JK) to Grade 12 in the NWT.
Post-Secondary School
Aurora College is the primary post-secondary institution in the NWT and offers a range of courses in diploma, apprenticeship, degree and continuing education programs.
The college has three regional campuses:
- Aurora Campus in Inuvik,
- Thebacha Campus in Fort Smith,
- Yellowknife/North Slave Campus in Yellowknife.
Aurora College also offers programming through its Community Learning Centres, which are located in most communities in the territory. To learn more visit the college online.
The NWT has an excellent Student Financial Assistance program that provides funding for residents who are attending post-secondary schools. NWT students are eligible for generous loans and grants, and may even qualify to have their loans
forgiven just for returning to live in the territory after graduation. To learn more, click here.
Yellowknife Settlement in Schools Program (SWIS)
The Yellowknife SWIS program is a free school-based outreach program established by IRCC in partnership with Yellowknife schools and CDETNO, designed to help newcomer students and their parents settle into
their school and community.
Contact SWIS for information or registration by phone: 867-445-3551 or email.

Continued Learning
Aurora College offers a variety of different courses through its Continuing Education department. The courses offered change frequently and cover a wide range of topics. Courses are offered at all three campuses (Yellowknife, Fort Smith & Inuvik) and at Community Learning Centres. Examples of programs and courses available include:
Developmental Studies (high school upgrading)
- Simply Accounting training
- Driver training
- Computer training
- Safety training
To learn more about the courses that are currently available, visit Aurora College online.
English Second Language (ESL)
Aurora College in Yellowknife offers Language Instruction for Newcomers (LINC) classes.
LINC classes are part-time English language instruction that is free of charge. Applicants are assessed for their English skill prior to enrollment and are placed in classes 1-5 based on their level and class availability.
LINC classes are available to permanent residents, those who fall under the Live-in-Caregiver program, and convention refugees. Classes are open to all members of a newcomer family. LINC is only offered in Yellowknife.
Contact the Yellowknife Aurora College Integration Officer for more information online or by phone at 867-920-3279
If you are outside of Yellowknife, please contact a regional ECE service centre to find out if there are any English Second Language Classes offered in your community.
Yellowknife Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program Test Center
Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) tests are now offered in Yellowknife. This test is for temporary residents in the process of becoming a Permanent Resident.
The new CELPIP test centre opened in 2021 through a partnership between Paragon Testing, College Nordique Francophone, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and the Department of Education, Culture and Employment of the Government of the Northwest Territories.
Collège Nordique is located in Yellowknife and offers varied programs in French that are designed for the NWT community and those who want to learn more about Northern culture. Students can pursue post-secondary studies in French, professional
development, or language skills.
To learn more about Collège Nordique, such as the specific programs and courses that they offer, visit them online.
4921-49th Street Bureau|Room 201
Yellowknife, NT
Administration Department: 867-920-7017
Fax: 1-867-920-7017